The Nation’s Premier CTPAT Consultants
Danbee Investigations offers specialized CTPAT services, including comprehensive assessments of corporate and third party supply chains, designing customized policies, conducting focused training programs, and performing risk-based audits of domestic and international facilities to ensure that they are in full compliance with CTPAT standards. These services have enabled Danbee’s clients to upgrade their asset protection programs, mitigate risk, and successfully become CTPAT certified and validated.
Danbee’s expertise in domestic and international supply chain security is unparalleled. With over 40 years of experience working with leading manufacturers, distributors, forwarders, retailers and transportation companies, Danbee has performed forensic post incident investigations and designed highly successful asset protection programs that protect global supply chains from terrorism, theft, product tampering, smuggling, diversion and other threats.
If your company is serious about CTPAT security or obtaining other similar international certifications, we can develop a world class security program for you.
Specialized Services for CTPAT Certification
- Performing CTPAT compliance audits domestically or internationally
- Developing all needed supply chain security procedural documents
- Preparing and updating required threat and risk assessments
- Screening of new supply chain business partners
- Updating the annual CTPAT Security Profile
- Complete CTPAT validation preparation and support
- Providing assistance to companies suspended from the program with required remedial actions for readmission to CTPAT
Why Danbee’s CTPAT Training Programs
Are Considered the Best
One of the fundamental requirements of CTPAT certification is training, an area where Danbee’s CTPAT consultants excel.
Few companies can match Danbee’s four decades of global supply chain security experience, which is why Danbee’s CTPAT experts have been interviewed on network television as well as by publications such as USA Today, Forbes, CFO, the Journal of Commerce, Global Logistics & Supply Chain Strategies, Supply Chain Brain, Inbound Logistics, and Supply Chain Management Review.
Danbee executives have provided supply chain security and CTPAT training seminars for organizations such as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection, the Foreign Trade Association, the International Compliance Professionals Association, the Maritime Security Conference, the North American Cargo Security Conference, the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, and the American Association of Exporters and Importers to name just a few.
Danbee’s professional CTPAT training seminars enable companies to dramatically enhance the awareness and professional capabilities of their personnel, providing attendees with “real-world” knowledge, up-to-date intelligence and actual case histories.