In today’s economy, few companies can afford internal theft. Collusion, inventory loss, trucker theft and fraud have risen to unprecedented levels, and the difference between profit and loss may be directly related to a company’s ability to prevent white and blue collar crime.
Danbee can evaluate a company’s operation and determine exactly where vulnerabilities exist. With a 40 year track record of successfully working with companies in an array of industries, Danbee has designed cost effective programs that have reduced internal theft and converted previously lost dollars into profits.
As one CEO stated, “There’s no question that Danbee’s services have cut our losses and improved our net profit. Not only that, but I credit Danbee Investigations with improving productivity and overall operating efficiency. It’s comfortable to know that my company is well protected.”
Danbee’s highly skilled investigators and state-of-the-art technology provides auditing and surveillance services to hundreds of companies that have witnessed firsthand the positive impact we’ve had on their bottom line.