CTPAT Certification

CTPAT certification reduces inspection overhead for your company

What is CTPAT?

The Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) is a landmark voluntary initiative between U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and business entities that strengthens international supply chains and improves U.S. border security. CTPAT recognizes that CBP can provide the highest level of cargo security only through close cooperation with the ultimate owners of the international supply chain such as importers, carriers, consolidators, licensed customs brokers, and manufacturers.

CBP requires businesses in the CTPAT program to ensure the integrity of their security practices, policies and procedures, as well as verify the quality of the security programs used by business partners within their supply chain.

CTPAT Security offers trade-related businesses an opportunity to play an active role in the war against terrorism. By participating in the first global government-trade security initiative, companies will ensure a more secure and expeditious supply chain for their product, employees, suppliers and customers.

Why CTPAT Certification Is So Important

Intelligence sources report that the commercial supply chain remains a prime target for terrorist organizations. The consequences for any company would be catastrophic if their shipments were involved in an act of terrorism. In fact, there is no guarantee that the company would survive if its supply chain had unknowingly transported a weapon of mass destruction into the United States, or if their consumable product had been tampered with and caused widespread illness or fatalities.

Additionally, more U.S. retailers no longer simply request that their vendors and suppliers become CTPAT members, they are now requiring CTPAT certification as a condition for doing business. CTPAT certification provides American companies with the peace of mind of knowing that their purchases will arrive on time and safe, with minimal risk of delay, product tampering or sabotage to the goods they intend to sell to their customers.

Global logistics is all about speed, reliability, product integrity and cost containment. Investing in CTPAT certification and a secure supply chain is absolutely necessary to be successful in today’s competitive business environment.

Supply Chain Brain – An Interview with Barry Brandman

Contact Danbee Investigations for the best in CTPAT security