Danbee Investigations Application For Employment


An Equal Opportunity Employer
We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, natural origin, sex, age or disability. It is our intention that all qualified applicants be given equal opportunity and that selection decisions be based on job related factors.

Applicant Note: This application form is intended for use in evaluating your qualifications for employment. This is not an employment agreement contract. False and misleading statements during the interview and on this form are grounds for terminating the application process or, if discovered after employment, terminating employment. A background investigation will be conducted on all new hires.

Applicant Instructions: Answer each question fully and accurately. No action can be taken on this application until you have answered all questions.

*Job applied for: * &nbsp&nbspToday’s Date:
*[First] [Middle] *[Last]
*Street Address *Town *State *# Yrs There Home Telephone
Former Address Town State # Yrs There *Cell Phone#
*Are You a U.S. Citizen? YesNo &nbsp If no, do you have the legal right to work in the United States?

[Proof of identity and right to work in the United States is a condition of employment.]

*Date available to begin (mm/dd/yyyy):&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp

*Desired salary: $ &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp

*Days/hrs. Preferred:

*Previously applied to us? YesNo

&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp *Presently Employed? Yes No &nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp *Friends/Relatives employed by us? Yes No

*Ever convicted of a crime? [A conviction will not automatically disqualify you for employment.]YesNo If yes, provide details.

*Have you ever been suspended or discharged from a job? Yes No[If yes, please explain]:

*Do you have a valid driver’s license?Yes No

Type of School Name/Location of School # of Years Attended Course of Study Diploma/Degree or Certificate
High School
Are you a veteran of the armed forces?YesNo

If yes, what type of education and/or training did you receive in the military?

PRESENT AND PAST EMPLOYMENT [List most recent employment first]
1. Name of Company Telephone #: Person Reported To & Title:
Street Address:
Period Employed [Month/Year]:


Position/Title: Weekly Salary:
Start: $

Last: $

Your Duties/Responsibilities: Reason for leaving or wanting to leave:


2. Name of Company Telephone #: Person Reported To & Title:
Street Address:
Period Employed [Month/Year]:


Position/Title: Weekly Salary:
Start: $

Last: $

Your Duties/Responsibilities: Reason for leaving or wanting to leave:


3. Name of Company Telephone #: Person Reported To & Title:
Street Address:
Period Employed [Month/Year]:


Position/Title: Weekly Salary:
Start: $

Last: $

Your Duties/Responsibilities: Reason for leaving or wanting to leave:


4. Name of Company Telephone #: Person Reported To & Title:
Street Address:
Period Employed [Month/Year]:


Position/Title: Weekly Salary:
Start: $

Last: $

Your Duties/Responsibilities: Reason for leaving or wanting to leave:

May we contact your present employer?YesNo

*Special Skills/Training [Language, Machine Operation, Etc.]:

*Special interests or hobbies:

*Why are you applying to Danbee Investigations?

*Email address:



I certify that I have read and understand the applicant note on page one of this form and that the answers given by me to the foregoing questions and the statements made by me are complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand any false information, omissions or misrepresentations of facts, whether on this document or not, may result in rejection of my application or discharge at anytime during my employment. I authorize the company and/or its agents, including consumer reporting bureaus, to verify any of this information. I hereby release Danbee Investigations Corp. and agents and all persons, agencies and entities providing information reports about me from any and all liability to the full extent of the law, arising out of the request for or releasing any of the above information or reports. I also understand that the use of illegal drugs is prohibited during employment. If company policy requires, I am willing to submit to drug testing to detect the use of illegal drugs prior to and during employment.

I understand that this application or subsequent employment does not create a contract of employment nor guarantee employment or if employed, guaranteed employment for any definite period of time. If employed, I understand that I have been hired at the will of Danbee Investigations Corp. and my employment may be terminated at anytime, with or without cause or notice.

*Electronic Signature



You agree your typed name is the legal equivalent of your manual signature.